The goal of this campaign run by the Eurasian Harm Reduction Network is to empower women who use drugs to combat violence. Police violence affects women who use drugs in variety of ways including serious and often life-threatening physical and psychological health problems. It increases stigma and discrimination against them […]
Project Type: Past

FabRiders facilitated this workshop, organised by Freedom House in November, 2013, bringing together 80 participants to understand how practices and policies inadvertently make human rights defenders more vulnerable. Over the two days that the workshop was held participants identified proactive solutions to address the digital, physical, psychological and other vulnerabilities […]
What Next? The Quest to Protect Journalists and Human Rights ...
This project for the Health Media Initiative of the Open Society Public Health Program will provide technical assistance for a 3-day participatory event of grantees and practitioners along with tech mentorships for two grantees.
Media and Monitoring Participatory Event and Mentorship
TALC is based in Lukasa, Zambia and is part of a regional effort in Southern Africa to monitor and advocate around access to medicines and healthcare for people living with HIV/AIDS. This mentorship, which is part of the Transparency and Accountability Initiative’s Bridge Programme, is aimed at improving outreach messaging […]
Leveraging data and digital technologies to improve TALC’s engagement and ...
Fair Play Alliance works for ethical, transparent, professional and effective public administration and political representation in Slovakia. Working closely with Fair Play Alliance’s staff – the goals of this project is to help the organisation create more agile and flexible project management skills, increase the useability of their data projects […]
Strengthening Fair Play Alliance’s Strategic Direction
Working with World Lung Foundation’s training team, this five day workshop conducted in Bangkok, Thailand focuses on how social media can enhance education campaigns conducted by tobacco control advocates from southern and south-east asia. FabRiders is providing sessions on ‘the half-wheel and pyramid‘, ‘using social media for big listening’, ‘influencing […]
Social Media for Tobacco Control: Co-Facilitator
As human DNA Databases become more widespread over the next decade, there is a need for an online platform to support engagement of activists, advocates, government officials, police, civil servants, and anyone else who shows an interest in safeguarding human rights around the use of forensic DNA. Genewatch UK and […]
Strengthening Work to Promote Human Rights Safeguards for DNA Databases
A series of videos produced by Article 19 in collaboration with CODOC, that are designed to show practical ways to protect freedom of expression online. Dirk Slater is featured in the videos and have provided advice on identifying habits that could allow your online activities to reveal more about you […]
Iran Online: Creating a Safer Place for Dissent
This data visualisation for Global Witness maps the routes of illegal timber coming out of Liberia to highlight the implications of a new EU law that forbids the import of illegally sourced timber. Fabriders worked closely with the Global Witness team on readying their data and copy, and then engaged […]
Where has Liberia’s Illegal Timber Gone?
The 2013 Digital Mobilisation Skillshare (DMS) is the Greenpeace mobilisation community’s chance to share knowledge and experiences while strengthening working relationships. The event recognizes people doing good work and creates space for innovation, creative collaboration, and maybe even some fun. The 2013 DMS took place in early February and included over […]
Greenpeace Digital Mobilisation Skill-share, Lead Facilitator
Working for Tactical Studios, this project follows up on a previous project for Oxfam on developing a mobiles campaigning toolkit. This project will develop curriculum that will accompany the toolkit and provide participants with a better understanding of how mobiles fit into their advocacy campaigns.
Developing Curriculum to Support a Mobile Campaigning Toolkit
This four day training was organised by Internews Armenia in Yerevan in December 2012. It was provided for activists and advocates working on: improving media, improving the treatment of military ersonnel, Exploitation of Natural Resources by Mining Companies, Rights for LGBTQI. Along with it’s focus on using complex data and […]
Training of Trainers: Using Data and Visualisations in Advocacy Campaigns
This two day training was organised and coordinated by Article 19 and Arseh Sevom and was provided for freedom of expression advocates in Amsterdam in December of 2012. Fabriders represented Tactical Technology Collective and utilized content from it’s Privacy and Expression Program.
Safely Using Media & Digital Technology in Advocacy (Training)
The Transparency and Accountability Initiative (T/A Initiative) is a ‘donor collaborative committed to strengthening democracy and development through empowering citizens to hold their governing institutions to account.’ The Bridge Meeting is part of their ‘New Technologies’ programme and is designed to foster collaborations between organisations working on transparency and accountability […]
T/AI Bridge Meeting, Lead Facilitator
Contributed to this gathering of over 100 non-profit techies by facilitating sessions on: The NOSI Primer, The Free and Open Non Profit, What I learned about Non Proft Tech Capacity Building from Sex Worker Advocates and Using Power Analysis to Identify Tech Tactics in Campaigning. Agenda and session notes can […]
Aspiration’s 2012 Non-profit Dev Summit: Lead Facilitator
This two day training is organised by The Initiative Mittel- und Osteuropa e.V. (InMOE) and provided by Tactical Technology Collective. Acting as lead trainer, Fabriders will utilise content from 10 Tactics for Turning Information Into Action that have been chosen by InMOE members and will focus on ‘using complex data’ […]
Training: Using New Media in NGO’s
Working for Tactical Studios, conducted research examining potential pitfalls and opportunities in developing a toolkit for campaigners that would support utilising mobile phones for mobilisation and engagement tactics. Provided recommendations on how to structure the project with recommendations on populating the Toolkit with resources such as Freedom Fone, Frontline SMS […]
Developing a Mobiles Campaigning Toolkit
This project was developed and implemented while working as a staff for Tactical Technology Collective. This inititiative involved working with two sex-worker collectives in India and Cambodia to explore how community-based organisations can use data and evidence in their advocacy. This two-and-a-half year project was a collaboration between Durbar Mahila Samanwaya […]
Visualising Sex Worker Advocates’ Evidence on Violence
Conducted over several years while working as staff for Tactical Technology Collective and working with closely with it’s Protect Programme, this initiative focused on supporting journalists and bloggers in assuring use of social media is secure. This included contributing the chapter ‘How to protect yourself and your data when using […]