The FabBlog

The FabBlog contains posts about learnings we’ve made through our work.

[print_link] Why maps? Because maps can take data about what has happened to individuals and instantly transform it into data about what is happening to a community. In our media-rich world, visual representations of data are well understood by most audiences. Maps are accessible. In today’s world of online services […]

What I’ve Learned about Maps

[print_link] This is a list of resources prepared for Effective Data Strategies for Activist and Advocacy Campaigns and Data Tactics for a Post-Fact World workshops The Data Tactics Workshop Curriculum is a detailed plan for the workshop that has all the exercises we used plus timings. Hacking User Centred Design for Social Change Efforts has […]

Data Tactics Workshop Resources

Like most people who have been using computers and the internet, I’ve had a gradual creep of having more and more of my data in the cloud. I’m a long-term (aging?) Apple fan boy and have succumbed willingly to the ease of having my data accessible on any device anywhere. […]

What I’ve Learned about The Cloud