The FabBlog

The FabBlog contains posts about learnings we’ve made through our work.

At the beginning of December, I facilitated a four-day meeting for the Core Team of Global Voices, a platform that makes the world’s citizen media available to everyone. As an American living full-time in the United Kingdom, for most of 2018, I’ve been absorbed by stories that are consuming the […]

Reasons to be cheerful about 2018

A network-centric resource is a knowledge asset that supports interaction and strengthens the ability of a community or network to exist. They can be collection of curriculum such as IFRC’s Data Playbook, EFF’s Security Education Companion, or events like MozFest. We’ve chosen to describe the method of developing and sustaining […]

The Lifecycle of a Network-Centric Resource

FabRiders’ Network-Centric Resources project supports the development of people-powered and participatory resources that establish assets for networks and communities. On Friday, December 14th, 2018, we held an online discussion with Heather Leson, Data Literacy Project Lead at the International Federation of the Red Cross Red Crescent (IFRC) Societies about collaborating with […]

Co-Creating IFRC’s Data Playbook, Online Discussion Notes