
Our collection of tools for tech capacity building. This includes exercises for use in trainings and facilitation.

This list of questions was derived during a session at the Responsible Data Forum in Oakland on March, 6th 2014. Our desire was to create a list of questions to ask yourself when working as an intermediary with marginalised communities. The answers you will come up with, might or might […]

Questions to Ask Frequently (QAFs) when working with Data and ...

A very special thanks to Lucy Chambers from Open Knowledge Foundation for inspiration, review and advice on this blog post. You can find Lucy on twitter @lucyfedia. Over the last two decades of helping advocates and activists use technologies more effectively, the use of data in campaigns has always been […]

What I’ve Learned about Data Advocacy

In November and December of 2012, I spent six weeks traveling to seven different countries on three different continents.  During this time, I facilitated at six different training/workshop events.  Since 1998, trainings have been a core part of what I do, but I am far from the perfect trainer (If […]

Lessons from the Road: Six Things I learned about Training