
Our collection of tools for tech capacity building. This includes exercises for use in trainings and facilitation.

Esta actividad: • Ayudará a los participantes a conocerse entre sí. • Creará un espacio seguro y positivo invitando a los participantes a conocerse a través del diálogo y reforzando las habilidades de escucha activa. • Comenzará una discusión sobre la capacidad de los participantes para opinar o participar en los […]

Taller participativo para recopilar datos sobre la toma de decisiones ...

This draft module was intially designed for CIVICUS, to support their partners in the Speak! Campaign. We are thankful for the invaluable contributions of the team at CIVICUS: Hannah Wheatley, Frances Topham Smallwood, Soledad Gattoni and Stephanie Brancaforte. We are also grateful for all the guidance we’ve received on designing […]

A Draft Module on Listening and Learning for Event Design