
Our collection of tools for tech capacity building. This includes exercises for use in trainings and facilitation.

We had a hangout on Data Tactics for a Post-Fact World We’re collaborating with Lucy Chambers from Tech to Human on a new workshop that will help you be assured evidence used in your social change campaign engages rather than alienates. We had a hangout on Tuesday, May 2nd at Noon […]

Hangout: Data Tactics for a Post-Fact World

We’re collaborating with Patrick Olszowski of Outrageous Impact on a workshop on Human Centred Design for Social Change and we had a hangout at Noon on Thursday, the 20th of April. During the hangout we talked about: What is Human Centred Design and why should you care. The importance of prototyping and iteration […]

Hangout: Human Centred Design for Social Change

Our journey learning about effective workshop session design began in the mid-90’s, when we were helping activists and community organisers in the United States understand how to harnass the potential of the Internet. What we’ve learned about session design has largely been achieved through a combination of trial and error (evaluating […]

Tips for designing an effective workshop session