Collective Power Playbook

A collection of group/social learning exercises designed to empower participants

Cette activité va: Donner de l’élan et stimulez l’interactivité au fur et à mesure que cet exercice commence par des paires, passe à des quatuors et se termine par une discussion en grand groupe. Aider les participants à faire connaissance les uns avec les autres et à savoir qui se […]

Atelier participatif pour la collecte d’indicateurs sur la prise de ...

I was first introduced to user personas participating in a design sprint by Aspiration in 2005. In that workshop, we were asked to imagine users of Social Source Commons, a website to share lists of software tools you already use, gain knowledge and support, and discover new tools. What stood […]

A Workshop Exercise on Creating User Personas

FabRiders’ Network-Centric Resources Project supports the development of people-powered and participatory resources that establish assets for networks and communities. Our past online discussions have focused on developing content with and for communities and network’s, such as Heather Leson on curating data-literacy social learning curriculum with Humanitarians in IFRC’s Data Playbook, Greg Bloom on co-creating Data Standards with Health and […]

Gunner on Facilitative Leadership, Online Discussion Notes