Online discussion: workflows, tools and people for building network-centric resources

Use of tools are dictated by what you need to do and where you are in your workflow. In the building and development of Network Centric Resources your tools also need to support your ability to enable contribution, support collaboration and contribute to the development of networks. Some questions we have heard lately:

• Is Etherpad the right tool for collaborative writing?
• Is Git the right foundation for getting comments on final drafts?
• Is Mattermost/Slack right for network/project coordination?

As often is the case, the conversation can be very tool focused, but what really matters is who we are trying to involve in the process and when. For this online discussion, we will put a lens up to the tools we have been trying to use at different points within our workflows, and examine their practicality for getting people involved and engaged in the development of our resources.

And much more. Join FabRiders and other Network-Centric Resource builders on Friday, October 13th at 8:00 PDT, 11:00 EDT, 16:00 BST, 17:00 CEST, 18:00 EAT, 20:30 IST.