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Weeknotes for June 5th, 2020

Had a chance to catch my breath this week. Breathing is a good thing. Wrapping Up Data Champions However, I was so busy last week that I even forgot to mention a workshop I’d done in the previous weeknote. Mor Rubinstein and I had run a Data for Leadership Workshop […]

Weeknotes for May 29th, 2020

Every week I seem to push new boundaries in terms of intensity, capacities and activities. Work with IFRC’s Solferino Academy is providing lots of meaningful learning opportunities for our team, Laurent Fernandez, Shaun Hazeldene & HeatherLeson, and I’m grateful. On Wednesday, we ran a virtual event on Health Innovation & […]

Weeknotes for May 22nd, 2020

This week: lots of planning, some outputs and a productive workshop for CESR Strategy Canvas for Data Champions I am working with Mor Rubinstein at 360 Giving on two workshops to wrap up this cohort of Data Champions working in UK Grantmaking Institutions. These workshops will focus on Data 4 […]