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Weeknotes for May 15th, 2020

Had a four day week this week as Friday, May 15th was my 10th Wedding Anniversary, but it still felt like a full-on week. As expected, during the ECNL virtual workshop on “The Unheard Voice of Civil Society in EU Policy on AI” we danced around the definition of AI. […]

Weeknotes for May 8th, 2020

On Monday, as part of IFRC’s Solferino Academy,  Laurent Fernandez, and I ran a ‘How to use Zoom’ Skillshare for National Societies in the Americas. We broke the participants up into small groups to discuss their challenges and generate a list of questions in a google doc. We then spent […]

Weeknotes for May 1st, 2020

Thanks to Heather Leson, I managed to join a meeting to share our experiences running large virtual workshops for IFRC’s Solferino Academy with staff from Zoom. The Zoom representatives explained how they have frozen developing features for the app for the last 90 days as they focused on improving security. […]