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Weeknotes for April 24th, 2020

“The world needs to speak with one voice” This from Francesco Rocca, President of the International Federation of the Red Cross/Red Crescent (IFRC) Societies in response to a question about lessons learned from this pandemic. I ended last week being part of the support team for a virtual press briefing […]

Weeknotes for April 17th 2020

Another whirlwind week, can’t believe it was only four days. The main focus of the week was work with Shaun Hazeldine & Heather Leson for IFRC’s Solferino Academy to support a 60 person virtual meeting that needed simultaneous translation into four languages: Arabic, English, French, and Spanish. We worked with […]

Weeknotes for April 10th, 2020

The top three pieces of advice I’d give anyone looking to run a large online meeting. Test, test, test and then do an additional test. The focus of the week was prep for an online digital volunteer gathering for the Red Cross Red Crescent Societies and co-hosting with Shaun Hazeldine […]