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Weeknotes for Feb 21st, 2020

This week has been about coordinating, planning and scheduling events and online discussions. During a planning meeting for the Data Literacy Consortium with Heather Leson from IFRC and Katelyn Rogers and Lisa Petersen from The Centre for Humanitarian Data, we scheduled the next check-in meeting for March 10th. During the […]

Weeknotes for Feb 14th, 2020

Rachel Rank and Anna Scott at 360Giving inspired this post. We are working on a Data Champion programme for UK Grantmakers and were discussing formats for a blog post on a workshop on Data Workflows. They pointed to Cassie Robinson’s concise and informative Weeknotes. So I’m trying the format for […]

Recipes for Facilitative Leadership – a workshop session design

At Aspiration’s Non-Profit Developer Summit in November 2019, I attended a workshop on Facilitative Leadership run by Misty Avila. What struck me about the session was how Misty walked the walk, demonstrating the power of facilitative leadership through the session design, providing structure and scaffolding for participants to share and […]