Our Latest Offerings and Posts

What we’ve learned about creating podcasts

For the last couple of months, FabRiders has been working with School of Data on the creation of a podcast series called ‘Data is a Team Sport’ and thought it would be worth sharing what we’ve learned. Why a podcast? The word podcast combines ‘iPod’ with ‘Broadcast’. Podcasts were initially […]

QAF’s and Resources to Mitigate Risks in Academic Research

On June 12th and June 13th, FabRiders collaborated with two doctoral researchers, Lydia Medland and Maria-Teresa Pinto, to design and deliver a workshop at the University of Bristol aimed at helping doctoral researchers strengthen their fieldwork practices and protect themselves and their research participants. To develop this participatory workshop, we […]

Skillshare: Human Centered Design and Resource Development

In this skillshare we will be explore how Human Centred Design methodologies can be employed to share ownership and enable people-powered and participatory resources.  Specifically we will share learnings on: Conducting interviews to develop user profiles and personas that will inform content. Involving your audience/users in prototyping, testing and iteration […]