Our Latest Offerings and Posts

Why We’re Excited About The Internet Freedom Festival

From March 6th to 10th, over 1400 individuals will converge in Valencia, Spain for what is being billed as the ‘Global Unconference of the Internet Freedom Communities.’ In our humble opinion, we think calling a participatory event at this scale an ‘unconference’ is a huge disservice as the format is […]

Workshop: Hacking human centred design for social change

THIS WORKSHOP TOOK PLACE ON Thursday, May 4th, Check out our next workshop, Data Tactics for a Post-Fact World, or sign up for FabUpdates to get more information on upcoming workshops. Build stronger campaigns using design methodologies Learn how to design stronger campaigns that make a bigger impact sooner. You […]

Effective Data Tactics in a Post-Fact World

Assuring the evidence used in your social change campaign engages rather than alienates. This training is for activists and advocates who want to integrate data into their campaign or improve the ability of their campaign data to engage their stakeholders. Overview Campaigns will only win when we capture the hearts […]