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The Responsible Resource Creator Manifesto (Draft)

[print_link] Why a Responsible Resource Creator Manifesto? All too often resources and materials created for our sector are not properly maintained or cared for after their release.  Many of us who rely on these resources have been frustrated by sudden inaccessibility of materials we’ve grown to rely on.  As someone […]

What I’ve Learned about Maps

[print_link] Why maps? Because maps can take data about what has happened to individuals and instantly transform it into data about what is happening to a community. In our media-rich world, visual representations of data are well understood by most audiences. Maps are accessible. In today’s world of online services […]

Data Tactics Workshop Resources

[print_link] This is a list of resources prepared for Effective Data Strategies for Activist and Advocacy Campaigns and Data Tactics for a Post-Fact World workshops The Data Tactics Workshop Curriculum is a detailed plan for the workshop that has all the exercises we used plus timings. Hacking User Centred Design for Social Change Efforts has […]