network of practice

Our work with 360Giving and UK Community Foundations to establish a network of data champions, has revealed the thirst that community foundation managers have for being data-informed to improve the impact of grantmaking. This has been reposted from our report on the 360Giving website. There is also a summary. Building […]

What we’ve learned implementing a Data Champions initiative

FabRiders’ Network-Centric Resources Project supports the development of people-powered and participatory resources that establish assets for networks and communities. Our past online discussions have focused on developing content with and for communities and network’s, such as Heather Leson on curating data-literacy social learning curriculum with Humanitarians in IFRC’s Data Playbook, Greg Bloom on co-creating Data Standards with Health and […]

Gunner on Facilitative Leadership, Online Discussion Notes

In FabRiders’ work, we have researched data literacy, designed and facilitated social learning experiences, and co-created knowledge sharing assets with communities and networks. In the first half of 2018, we co-edited IFRC’s Data Playbook (Beta), which brought together our skills in all of those areas. The approach to identifying the […]

We’re Convening a Data Literacy Consortium