
Some truths about running virtual events were very evident this week. Know your goals Focus on the participant experience Test the tech in any way you think might be relevant Rehearse if you have a team that needs to work together to deliver different pieces of a session And a […]

Weeknotes for September 11, 2020

I have this vague recollection that August is supposed to be quiet as everyone goes on holiday. Lots happened this week and am bracing for a busy September. Working as part of The Solferino Academy team, along with Virtually Amazing, we’ve been running a series of online coaching sessions for […]

Weeknotes for August 28th, 2020

Things I was grateful for this week. Heather Leson sharing this article on teams. It’s been great to be part of The Solferino Digital Team, with Heather, Laurent Fernandez and Shaun Hazeldene. these past few months, and I wholeheartedly agree with a lot of whats in the article. When you […]

Weeknotes for July 3rd, 2020