User Centred Design

FabRiders’ Network-Centric Resources project supports the development of people-powered and participatory resources that establish assets for networks and communities. On Friday, December 14th, 2018, we held an online discussion with Heather Leson, Data Literacy Project Lead at the International Federation of the Red Cross Red Crescent (IFRC) Societies about collaborating with […]

Co-Creating IFRC’s Data Playbook, Online Discussion Notes

In this skillshare we will be explore how Human Centred Design methodologies can be employed to share ownership and enable people-powered and participatory resources.  Specifically we will share learnings on: Conducting interviews to develop user profiles and personas that will inform content. Involving your audience/users in prototyping, testing and iteration […]

Skillshare: Human Centered Design and Resource Development

THIS WORKSHOP TOOK PLACE ON Thursday, May 4th, Check out our next workshop, Data Tactics for a Post-Fact World, or sign up for FabUpdates to get more information on upcoming workshops. Build stronger campaigns using design methodologies Learn how to design stronger campaigns that make a bigger impact sooner. You […]

Workshop: Hacking human centred design for social change