The Remote Team Cohesion Lab

This series of sessions will support your team in strengthening cohesion and defining purpose. By the end of the session, members of your team will have:

  • Greater internal cohesion by developing:
    • An understanding of their shared journey towards achieving long-term goals
    • A more profound sense of how their individual and collective strengths contribute to the team’s success.
    • Strengthened muscles to ‘walk the walk’ in a way that mirrors the values and change the organisation strives to achieve. 
    • Greater autonomy in making appropriate and relevant decisions that impact their work and organisational strategy 
    • Cocreated design of team meetings, shared responsibilities for outcomes
    • Cocreated communication roles and protocols
    • Strengthen their ability to identify, support and practice facilitative leadership
    • A cocreated manifesto 
    • Reflections on the experience of ‘remote’ and how it impacts our senses and psychological well-being.
  • A deeper understanding of the mechanics of movement building
    • Strengthen facilitation skill sets to empower and harness the collective power of stakeholders
    • Contribute to strategies that build power for those who don’t have power but should
    • An ability to analyse external power domains that influence the ability to reach long-term goals

The Remote Team Cohesion Lab is part of a suite of workshops designed to strengthen organisations’ abilities to achieve social change through empowering individual and team structures. This lab series is a collaboration between Sarah Allen, drawing upon her expertise as the Mozilla Festival Senior Director, and Dirk Slater, who has nearly 30 years of experience strengthening organisations and convening people in diverse contexts.

We offer the lab a bespoke design tailored to your needs and goals. What follows is an example lab sequence. Each day is a three-hour virtual session that can run over five consecutive days or spread out over two weeks. 

Session 1

Solidarity on the big picture

During this session, your team will determine a shared understanding and agreement on the foundations of the work. They will recalibrate as a team by articulating a long-term vision of success, imagining the path to get there, and resurfacing the principles and values needed to help guide the way. They will reconnect their work as a team to the existing mission and strategy.

Session 2

Teamwork that reflects the change they want to see 

During this session, your team will strengthen empathy and trust by sharing individual experiences, challenges, and learnings. They will surface their own expertise, how it’s utilised in their roles supporting the organisation’s goals, and how they support each other. They will also get an opportunity to reflect on their own experiences with connecting “Remotely.”

Session 3

Supporting Stakeholders & Movements

During this session, your team will strengthen its facilitation skills and ability to understand and address power dynamics. They will also deepen their ability to identify, support, and practice facilitative leadership and other methods to harness and contribute to the collective power of stakeholders and movement-building efforts. We will also review the tools and platforms within the organisation and evaluate their usefulness in collaboration with externals.

Session 4

Strengthening Interaction and Autonomy.

During this session, your team will co-create the design of team meetings. We will identify ways the structures within the organisation can change to break down silos, along with identifying potential blockers to those changes. We will also surface ways to empower individuals to make appropriate and relevant decisions that impact their work and organisational strategies.

Session 5

Roadmapping the future

During this final session, we will create plans to tackle the logistics needed to implement what has surfaced during the Lab. We will create an organisation calendar that reflects the critical milestones ahead and look for synergies and conflicts. The team will also commit to critical next steps in the immediate future. 


If you’re interested in having a discussion about how The Remote Team Cohesion Lab might benefit your team, please send an email to workshops (at) or use the form below.