2013 was a great year for Fabriders, and how we are really looking forward to some great work in 2014. Fabriders opened it’s doors in mid 2012 and at the beginning of 2013 we were just starting to get rolling. Looking back at this past year, we couldn’t have predicted that we would have the chance to work on such incredibly rich projects, here’s some highlights:
- A technology mentorship project where we got to rub shoulders with fellow mentors, Lucy Chambers, Tunji Eleso, Gabriela Rodriguez, Mikel Maron, and Sarah Schacht. This project was hosted by the Transparency and Accountability Initiative and was designed and managed by Aspiration’s Allan Gunn. We were very fortunate to have FairPlay Alliance as a mentee and shared expertise about implementing flexible and agile project management techniques. You can read more about the mentorships on the TAI website.
We helped Article 19 develop an infographic called “Recipe for Online Repression,” that accompanies it’s report on the Iranian Computer Crimes Law. The report and the info-graphic reveal the brutal repercussions for those seeking freedom of expression on the internet in Iran. We were fortunate to collaborate with the brain power of Maryam Pasha and the gifted design talents of Sabrina Russo to create something very clever without negating the power of the subject matter.
A video series on digital security that was created by CODOC for Article 19 that explains how understanding how your activities and online information makes you and your colleagues vulnerable is your best defence in an era when using digital security tools is an arms race.
Along with:
- A communications strategy for the DNA Policy Initiative. DNA is the next big issue around information privacy for individuals and this group’s work on connecting the fallibility of DNA database technologies with human rights violations is absolutely critical. Formulating a strategy so civil liberties organisations can get a hold of this organisation’s unique expertise when they need them has been eye-opening.
- Implementing trainings on data visualisation, digital security, social media, evaluation, & data usability on 4 different continents. We especially valued collaborations with Aspiration which included a webinar series on all the aforementioned topics for the Transparency and Accountability Initiative.
- A series in the FabBlog about our involvement in an innovative tech capacity building movement that emerged in the US in the mid 90’s called ‘Circuit Riding’
And in 2014 we’re looking forward to:
The release of “Fundamentals for Using Technology.” At the beginning of 2013 the Transparency and Accountability Initiative asked us what we know about developing and implementing technology strategies, and the answer is “Fundamentals,” a guide that has been developed in collaboration with the TA Bridge community. Look for it in February 2014 with accompanying illustrations by Valentina Cavellini and graphics by The Small Axe.
Working with the Eurasian Harm Reduction Network on supporting several campaigns that will empower people who use drugs to collect data about violence and take leadership in advocating for better treatment services.
And of course more work with YOU! We’d love it if you talked to us about working on a project, but we might need you for some advice, feedback or input on a project we’re already working on. Everything we know we’ve learned from someone else! We benefit immensely from your own willingness to share knoweldge and being part of your network. We can’t thank you enough. Looking forward to sharing more knowledge in 2014!