Weeknotes for June 19th, 2020

Breathing again with a focus on reflecting and planning.


Mor Rubinstein and I hosted a ‘social lunch’ for members of this 360Giving Data Champions Cohort as we wrap up this year’s programme. We also did a reflection on this year’s cohort with Mor getting us to respond to four ‘L’s – ‘Liked, Learned, Lacked, Longed For’. Of course, one of our aha’s was that we could have run more socials, especially online. But now thinking we should be running monthly gatherings based on the format we use for Data Literacy Consortium Check-Ins.

Allison Corkery and I discussed how the Center for Economic and Social Rights could use outputs created by staff from the Strategy Workshops we’d held between March and May as a foundation for reflection. We discussed ways to capture and apply learnings during routine quarterly strategy implementation meetings. I’ve run strategy implementation workshops in the past for other orgs and they pretty much using this basic format:

  • Part 1: Reflecting
    • Small groups based on whoever is working on what thematic focus, answering: 
      • What did we accomplish?
      • What impact did we have? 
      • What went well? What are our weaknesses?
    • Then large group discussion reflecting on the answers that each of the small groups worked on and answering:
      • How did the work we did move us closer to achieving our strategic objectives?
      • Did we engage the right stakeholders? Who have we worked with that is vital to the strategic objective? Who did we miss?
  • Part 2: Looking forward:
    • Build a roadmap of the next nine months with a focus on what we know will be accomplished – so deadlines on identified deliverables first, then probable deliverables. After laying out the road map:
      • What are significant gaps in the road map? What should we be doing that we aren’t?
      • Is it realistic? Are we going to be able to do this?
      • What needs adjustments?
    • Then reflecting on the roadmap and asking:
      •  What are our opportunities to learn how to be more effective? (to be used in the next meeting as part of the reflection)


More collaboration with The Solferino Academy, teaming up with the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre’s Virtually Amazing, on a series of sessions to support facilitators in creating virtual workshops for the upcoming Virtual Climate Red Summit. Along with building confidence in delivering meaningful online workshops, we are hoping to compile a handbook on virtual meetings for the Red Cross Red Crescent networks. We’ll start with sessions on how to propose a session and then turn to workshop design and delivery.

The next Data Literacy Consortium Check-in will take place this Thursday, June 25th. We’ll get data literacy practitioners to reflect on the learning opportunities presented by the Pandemic.

The next (Virtual) Session Design Lab will be on July 7th & 8th. Have started working on an outline for a Session Design Canvas, getting review and feedback from the people that have attended past session design labs, in a process similar to the one we utilised for the Network Centric-Resources Lifecycle.

And noticed

Not surprising but still alarming that the Trump Administration has aimed at the very fabric of the Open Technology Fund by attempting to rip out the open-source principles at its core.  Participated in the Twitter storm on Friday.
