This is a list of workshops FabRiders’ has developed as stand-alone or parts of larger projects and events. If you are interested in organising a workshop for your organisation or event, please email workshops (at) Got a workshop topic and want to collaborate? Please get in touch. This list will change periodically as we develop new curriculum, so do check back.
Facilitation/Training of Trainers
The Session Design Lab
- During this workshop, you will get a grounding on how to design participatory and interactive sessions that support learning and knowledge sharing in online and offline environments. On the first day, we will do a deep dive into adult learning and review research that led to a session format known as ADIDS (Activity, Discussion, Input, Deepening and Synthesis). On the second day, you will design your own session based on ADIDS and have an opportunity to review that design with other participants. Get more details
The Event Design Lab.
- This workshop series will allow your team to think through critical elements, such as strategic social change goals, effective facilitation, session design, & participant engagement to produce an event that maximises interaction and minimises power imbalances to harness the power of the collective. Get more details.
The Facilitating Collective Power Lab
- During this two-day, three-hour-a-day online lab, we will explore the different power domains in which change-makers operate and how to design and facilitate power analysis and strategy sessions to help them move more effectively towards success. We will also explore how to identify, practice, and support “facilitative leadership.” We will also share facilitation best practices that help us ‘walk the walk’. By the end of the workshop, you will have greater expertise in developing community-centric strategies that support inclusive movements and drive real change. Get more details
Social Change Fundamentals
Campaign Stakeholder Mapping and Power Analysis
- An anchor for any campaign oriented training. Participants identify and analyse stakeholders as allies, neutral parties, and opponents along with determining who has power to identify priorities and tactics. View the curriculum.
Hacking User-Centred Design for Social Change.
- This workshop is for any social change activist or advocate with a desire to build stronger campaigns by integrating stakeholder perspectives early in their strategies. Participants get insights into applying a ‘user centred design process’ for the development of their social change campaigns. View the methodology and case study.
Strengthening Organisational Impact
A Vision of Success
- The first step for any organisation involved in social change efforts that feels they are being reactionary rather than proactive. This is a foundation for long-term strategic planning. Participants imagine a world where there efforts to make change are no longer needed and imagine the impact that their work has had and how actors are behaving differently. This session can be a spring board for developing a Theory of Change
Evaluating Strategies and Outcomes
- Evaluation is often focused on outputs and done after implementation is completed. This workshop will help activists and advocates set up frameworks that will help them learn and fine-tune as they implement their tactics and strategies. Participants timeline preconditions and outcomes that will lead to success and develop a self-reflective framework to be used during periodic reflections and debriefs.
Developing community/network-centric resources
- Huge amounts of efforts are put into developing resources that stop abruptly after launch with little thought about engaging an audience aside from promotion. This workshop looks at how to engage your audience before you even start writing content and getting them to contribute to development. We also address how to tap the wisdom of your audience and get them to continue to modify and adapt the resource well after launch.
Technology & Data
Developing a Tech Strategy
- Often individuals involved in social change efforts become focused on technology for technologies sake, rather than focusing on technologies role in their long-term strategy or ability to achieve their mission. Participants develop a vision for technology use in their organisation that will support their long term organisational goals and determine technology tactics that will support their organisational strategy and help them achieve their mission.
Effective Data Strategies
- Designed to demystify data for social change campaigners, and assure the evidence used in your social change campaign engages rather than alienates. Participants learn how to influence key stakeholders and increase impact through data packaging techniques, such as info-graphics and data-gathering techniques that will help share ownership of efforts. View the curriculum.